Saturday, December 21, 2013

Islamists' Ghost Houses in Syria

The Wahabi/Ansar Sunna/Salafi/Muslim Brothers/etc advocates showed the world what their human rights agenda for the Syrian people if they seized power.

Similar to their 'brothers' in Sudan they started building their own 'Ghost Houses' in Northern Syria. Thanks to Amnesty International report that exposed this plan

DECEMBER 18, 2013
Contact: Carol Gregory,, 202-675-8759, @AIUSAmedia

Torture, flogging, and summary killings are rife in secret prisons run by the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), an armed group that controls large areas of northern Syria, said Amnesty International in a briefing published today.
ISIS, which claims to apply strict Shari'a (Islamic law) in areas it controls, has ruthlessly defied the rights of local people. In the 18-page briefing entitled, Rule of Fear: ISIS Abuses in Detention in Northern Syria, Amnesty International identifies seven detention facilities that ISIS uses in al-Raqqa governorate and Aleppo.
Torture, flogging, and summary killings are rife in secret prisons run in Syria by the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)
"Those abducted and detained by ISIS include children as young as eight who are held together with adults in the same cruel and inhuman conditions," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's director for the Middle East and North Africa.
Former detainees describe a shocking catalogue of abuses in which they or others were flogged with rubber generator belts or cables, tortured with electric shocks or forced to adopt a painful stress position known as aqrab (scorpion), in which a detainee's wrists are secured together over one shoulder.
Some of those held by ISIS are suspected of theft or other crimes; others are accused of "crimes" against Islam, such as smoking cigarettes or zina, sex outside marriage. Others were seized for challenging ISIS's rule or because they belonged to rival armed groups opposed to the Syrian government. ISIS is also suspected of abducting and detaining foreign nationals, including journalists covering the fighting in Syria.
Several children were among detainees who received severe floggings, according to testimonies obtained by Amnesty International. On one occasion, an anguished father had to endure screams of pain as ISIS captors tormented his son in a nearby room. Two detainees related how they witnessed a child of about 14 receive a flogging of more than 90 lashes during interrogation at Sadd al-Ba'ath, an ISIS prison in al-Raqqa governorate. Another child of about 14 who ISIS accused of stealing a motorbike was repeatedly flogged over several days.
The flag of the al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, at the entrance to al-Raqqa.
"Flogging anyone, let alone children, is cruel and inhuman, and a gross abuse of human rights," said Luther. "ISIS should cease its use of flogging and other cruel punishments."
Amnesty International is calling on ISIS to end its appalling treatment of detainees and for the group's leaders to instruct their forces to respect human rights and abide by international humanitarian law.
Several former detainees told the organization that they were seized by masked gunmen who took them to undisclosed locations, where they were held for periods of up to 55 days. Some never learned where they were but Amnesty International has identified ISIS prisons at seven locations: Mabna al-Mohafaza, Idarat al-Markabat and al-Mer'ab, all in al-Raqqa city; Sadd al Ba'ath and al-'Akershi oil facility, both elsewhere in al-Raqqa governorate; and Mashfa al-Atfal and Maqar Ahmed Qaddour in Aleppo.
The Sadd al-Ba'ath prison is beside a dam on the Euphrates River at al-Mansura, where the local Shari'a court judge, who invariably appeared wearing an explosives belt, has instituted a reign of terror over its detainees.
Former detainees accuse him of presiding over grotesquely unfair "trials" lasting no more than a few minutes as other detainees look on, and handing down death penalties which are subsequently carried out. At his direction, detainees have been mercilessly flogged; on at least one occasion, he is said to have personally joined in the flogging.
At al-'Akershi oil facility, which ISIS also appears to use as a military training ground, detainees were subjected to the aqrab as a means of torture, according to the testimonies of two men who were held there in recent months. One spent 40 days in solitary confinement, for part of which he was chained up in a tiny room full of electrical equipment with fuel on the floor.
"After years in which they were prey to the brutality of the al-Assad regime, the people of al-Raqqa and Aleppo are now suffering under a new form of tyranny imposed on them by ISIS, in which arbitrary detention, torture and executions have become the order of the day," said Luther.
Amnesty International is calling on the international community to take concrete steps to block the flow of arms and other support to ISIS and other armed groups implicated in committing war crimes and other serious human rights abuses.
"The Turkish government, in particular, should prevent its territory being used by ISIS to bring in arms and recruits to Syria," said Luther. "As well, Gulf states that have voiced support for the armed groups fighting against the Syrian government should take action to prevent arms flows, equipment or other support reaching ISIS in view of its appalling human rights record."
Amnesty International also renews its call to the Syrian government to allow unfettered access to Syria by the independent international Commission of Inquiry and by international humanitarian and human rights organizations, and to end its violations of human rights and international law, including the use of torture in its own detention centers.

GATS Cosponsor the Human Rights Day in Amherst

A lot of activities and events mark the month of December in Amherst. However, the Human Rights Day is the one our Group usually taking part in.

Along with few more human rights group, GATS cosponsored the screening and discussion of the important documentary Dirty Wars at the Amherst Public Library (aka Jones Library) on Sat 12/7. In addition, Amnesty International used the case of one of GATS founders as a strong evidence of how grassroots can make a difference in releasing human rights defenders.

In a large laminated poster put on a chair by the podium, the Urgent Action # UA 162/92 of Amnesty International of 1992 there was the photo of Mohamed Elgadi, a co-founder of GATS. "Here is one strong evidence that signing petitions does work" said Martha Spiegelman, leader of the local chapter of Amnesty in Amherst before inviting him to speak to the audience.

GATS was alo present at the annual Candle Vigil organized by the Amherst Human Rights Commission (HRC) on Tues 12/10, the United Nations designated Human Rights Day.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

40 Lashes for not Covering your Hair?

Posted by Katrien Hinderdael on Nov 13, 2013
Sudanese are coming together to challenge Public Order Laws and stand behind Amira Osman Hamed. Ms. Osman Hamed, an engineer by training, has been charged with “dressing indecently or immorally,” for refusing to cover her hair.

Let's stand strong against these Draconian Laws that hide behind Islam.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Amnesty International Report on Sudan (2013)

"....Conflict continued in Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. The National Security Service (NSS) and other government agents continued to commit human rights violations against perceived critics of the government for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly.
On 1 March, the ICC issued a warrant of arrest against Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein – the current Minister of National Defense – for 41 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly committed in the context of the situation in Darfur....."
Read more

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

64 days of torture

هيئة محامي دارفور
الملاحقات والإعتقالات الأمنية الممنهجة لطلاب دارفور بالجامعات

ظل طلاب/ت دارفور يتعرضون لصنوف من الإستهداف والملاحقات الأمنية الجائرة بواسطة الأمن الطلابي وجهاز الأمن العام بالإعتقالات لفترات طويلة إستهدفت عزل النشطاء والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان من طلاب/ت دارفور عن محيطيهم المحلي والقومي في قضايا الحقوق والحريات العامة وقضايا الحركة الطلابية كما قدم النظام من خلال منسوبيه في جهاز الأمن الطلابي والأمن العام أرتالا من طلاب دارفور للمحاكمات الكيدية بعد فترات طويلة في الإعتقالات التعسفية لإضعاف طلاب/ت دارفور وصرفهم عن الهموم الوطنية وبدوافع الكيد السياسي الرخيص لجهاز أمن النظام الطلابي حتي باتت ظاهرة وحينما تصدر براءة طلاب/ت دارفور أمام المحاكم بعد قضاء فترات طويلة رهن الإعتقالات التعسفية الجائرة والتعذيب البدني والمعنوي والمعاملة المهينة والحاطة بالكرامة الإنسانية يري النظام في البراءة إستراحة مؤقتة لإعتقالات جديدة لتستمر معاناة طلاب/ت دارفور بتجديد حملات الإعتقالات التعسفية من دون ضابط أو حسيب إستغلالا للسلطة والنفوذ وإساءة لإستخدام القانون وفوت الإعتقالات الجائرة علي طلاب/ت دارفور سنوات دراسية وتعرض كثر منهم للفصل فتعمق لدي طلاب/ت دارفور الشعور بعدم المساواة في المواطنة والإحساس بالتمييز السلبي فولد لديهم معاناة التمييز العنصري الغبن الإجتماعي الذي بات مهددا للتماسك والوحدة الوطنية
اليوم الموافق 18/8/2013 أصدر د/أسامة أحمد عبد الله قاضي محكمة جنايات الخرطوم وسط قرارا ببراءة خمسة من طلاب دارفور بموجب أحكام المادة 141 ق/ج في البلاغ الكيدي بالنمرة 3511/2013 والشاكي فيه عضو جهاز الأمن معتز عبد الله عبد القادر لإنعدام البينة, لقد تم إعتقال الطلاب المفرج عنهم بالبراءة في 16/6/2013 وظلوا رهن الإعتقال والتعذيب البدني بالعصي الكهربائية والتعذيب المعنوي بالإساءة المهينة والحاطة بالكرامة الإنسانية لمدة شهر حتي 16/7/2013 ليحالوا الي نيابة الجرائم الموجهة ضد الدولة ويظلوا رهن الحبس حتي 31/7/2013 ليتم تقديمهم للمحاكمة والإفراج عن خمسة بالضمانة وهم 1/- أحمد عبد الرحمن الطاهر الطالب بجامعة السودان المستوي الخامس مكان الإعتقال داخل الحرم الجامعي أثناء المذاكرة 2/-محمد عبد الله عبد الكريم الطالب بجامعة السودان كلية الموسيقي والدراما المستوي الرابع مكان الإعتقال داخل الحرم الجامعي للجامعة الأهلية 3/-أبراهيم آدم الحاج الطالب بجامعة النيلين المستوي كلية القانون المستوي الثاني داخل الحرم الجامعي 4/-معاوية محمد موسي أتيم طالب بالجامعة الأهلية كلية الإقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية المستوي الثالث مكان الإعتقال الحرم الجامعي 5/-بسام خميس كرامة طالب بجامعة أمدرمان الأهلية كلية الآداب مكان الإعتقال مكتبة الجامعة كما تم توجيه تهم للطالب ابراهيم موسي حسن بالجامعة الأهلية تحت أحكام المادتين 169 ق ج 1991 -26 ق س ذ وحددت المحكمة جلسة بتاريخ 20/8/2013 للقرار
لقد قضي الطلاب المفرج عنهم بالبراءة فترة 46 يوما رهن الإعتقال والحبس و18 يوما في إجراءات المحاكمة حتي نالوا البراءة بواسطة القضاء بعد ان تعرضوا للتعذيب بالعصي الكهربائية والخراطيش والإساءات العنصرية النابئة وعصبوا من أعينهم ليومين في إنتهاكات سافرة وجسيمة لحقوق الإنسان وإذ تدين هيئة محامي دارفور الإنتهاكات الجسيمة التي طالت طلاب دارفور الأبرياء ستتخذ الإجراءات اللأزمة والمناسبة للمطالبة بتصحيح أوضاعهم الإنسانية المهدرة
هيئة محامي دارفور

الله يلعن أي زول شغال في الأمن

From Facebook page 
عقب نداء أطلقه الاستاذ أحمد عمر حضره للاهالي جوار مسجد شمبات لاغاثة المتضررين من كارثة السيول والامطار. تلقف أهل شمبات للنداء وتدافعوا في شكل انساني فريد وجاد كل منهم بما استطاع وتحركنا تجاه شرق النيل في مجموعة من السيارات, وبدأنا هناك توزيع ماحملناه معنا, أثناء ذلك حاول مازن عمر حضرة أن يلتقط صورا لبعض المشاهد المؤثرة, وفي تلك اللحظة هجمت علينا مجموعة من رجال الامن والذين ينتشرون على طول الطريق من بداية طريق العيلفون في حلة كوكو, وبعد لحظات وصلت عربات تاتشر لاخذنا وتم ادخالنا الى منزل في العيلفون يبدو أنه يتبع لجهاز الامن وقد استقبلونا بالضرب وأوسعونا بكميات من الاهانه والسباب بألفاظ لاتصدر من أصحاب النفوس السوية وطلبوا منا أن نجلس على الركب ونواجه الحيطان, واستمر التحقيق معنا مابين نصف ساعة الى ساعة ونصف.
أثناء ذلك تم احضار كل من ناصر شاكر وصديق حسن وحامد خالد. ورغم أن الكارثة ساطعة كالشمس في رابعة النهار الا أن المحققين معنا قالوا (ليس كل هؤلاء متضررين انما غالبيتهم من الشحاتين وان المنطقة وبعد أن جفت من المياه قام البعض بكسر الترعة ليغمروا المنطقة بالمياه) وكذلك سألونا عن توجهاتنا السياسية ولم ينقطع سيل الشتم والسباب اثناء ذلك ووصفوا مانقوم به أنه عمل (كعب) وأن هناك من يتاجرون بعملنا هذا من المنظمات الاجنبيه وهذا ارتهان للاجنبي.
عبد الوهاب همت ، نقلا عن أحد ناشطي حكومة السودان الفعلية الآن #نفير

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Let's not Forget.....

26 June: Victims of torture have a right to rehabilitation. Let's make this right a reality

Today marks the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Every year, on the 26 June, we come together with a message of support for those who have been tortured, the hundreds of thousands around the world that have been victims and those who are still tortured today. But we come together to honour these victims, to show that they are not alone, and to together renew our mission to work for a better future, for a world with no torture victims, for a world without torture. Read more
Let's not forget those who were scarred, maimed or/and perished in the Ghost Houses of the Islamists in Sudan... let's not forget the notorious Citibank Ghost House in Khartoum at the corner of the following streets:
* Ali Dinar Street (North to South)
* El-Tigani El-Mahi street (East to West)
* El-Nugumi Street (Diagonal) 

I was shocked when I met this young activist in Khartoum who did not know the location of this place

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Atlantic Magazine speaks about Ghost Houses

"It wasn't hard to imagine that this was where Sudanese opponents of the regime might be tortured. "
 Read more here on this one experience of a US journalist of the Atlantic Magazine in the Ghost Houses of the Sudanese regime
The story of Rebecca Hamilton, Detained in Khartoum, was a little old (Sep 2010) but one of few experiences of Western reporters with the Ghost Houses in Sudan.