The commission of inquiry into the killing of an estimated 150 people in Conakry by the Guinean military on Sep. 28 must be independent, impartial and have strong international participation, the International Center for Transitional Justice said today...More
GATS is a membership advocacy human rights group in the USA. It works mainly to raising awareness about the torture worldwide and especially in Sudan.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Conakry Massacre
The commission of inquiry into the killing of an estimated 150 people in Conakry by the Guinean military on Sep. 28 must be independent, impartial and have strong international participation, the International Center for Transitional Justice said today...More
Saturday, October 03, 2009
A Sudanese-Canadian Ghost House!
Abdelrazik tours Canada Stefan Christoff
Still listed: Abdelrazik photo: Tatiana Gomez Montreal's Abousfian Abdelrazik, the Sudanese-Canadian exiled in Khartoum for over six years, is embarking on a national speaking tour to demand justice, hosted by community activists in over 20 cities across Canada.
Beyond telling his harrowing tale of torture and exile, Abdelrazik aims to speak openly about the role that consecutive governments in Ottawa, both Liberal and Conservative, played, and the violation of multiple national laws they broke in refusing to allow him to return to Canada.
read more in this different source of Alarabiya:
A Canadian-Sudanese man once stranded in Khartoum for six years over his suspected links to al-Qaeda is suing Canada for its alleged role in his arrest and torture, court documents say.Abousfian Abdelrazik, 47, had found himself on a United Nations no-fly list after traveling to Sudan in March 2003 to visit his ailing mother. He says he was twice detained in Sudan and tortured.......
Abdelrazik's lawyer Paul Champ told AFP: "Canadian officials (had) directly asked a foreign government -- and that's a foreign government with a record of torture -- to detain a Canadian citizen."
"He was snatched by the Sudanese secret police and his family didn't know where he was and formally the Canadian government was telling his family they didn't know where he was."At same time, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents were in Khartoum interrogating him in Sudanese custody," he said. "That's pretty disgusting."
Accused by the U.N.
Abdelrazik first arrived in Canada in 1990 as a refugee, after fleeing his native Sudan over his opposition to President Omar al-Bashir. He obtained Canadian citizenship in 1995.
In 2006, he was accused of links to Abu Zubaydah, a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden. The U.N. Security Council 1267 Committee, which monitors and acts against members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, claims Abdelrazik is "associated with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the Taliban" and provided support to al-Qaeda and the Kurdish extremist group Ansar al-Islam, including recruiting efforts.
The Security Council also alleges Abdelrazik "was a member of a cell in Montreal, Canada, whose members met in al-Qaeda's Khalden training camp in Afghanistan."According to the committee, Abdelrazik told one individual he recruited for an al-Qaeda training camp that he personally knew bin Laden, the group's mastermind.
Canada's federal police and spy service examined his alleged ties to Ahmed Ressam, an al-Qaeda operative jailed for trying to bomb the Los Angeles airport in 1999. The two had met at a mosque in Montreal, where Abdelrazik lived for 13 years.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New Petition from CTV
On ABC’s This Week, conservative columnist George Will voiced his support for a nonpartisan independent commission, to investigate the United States’ use of torture and cruelty following September 11, 2001.
Will’s support came in response to a Washington Post editorial by Fred Hiatt. Hiatt called for a commission co-chaired by former Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and David Souter, saying torture “cannot be ignored, forgotten, swept away.”
With each voice speaking out in favor of the commission, we get closer to making it a reality. But our work to prevent torture and cruelty is not finished.
Please join us. Urge President Obama to appoint a nonpartisan, independent commission to lay bare the historical record on torture and prevent history from repeating itself.
Congress returned to work on Tuesday, September 8th. Now is the perfect time to ask your Representative and Senators to make this a priority. Sign our petition and urge them to call on President Obama today.
Safeguard our cherished values. Restore our system of checks and balances and insist on government accountability. Together, we will prevent future abuse. Join us in building support for an independent commission.
Update on the Journalist Lubna
from the website of
الصحفية لبني تؤكد فور خروجها من السجن انها ستواصل المعركة 09 سبتمبر 2009
إطلاق الصحفية السودانية لبنى حسين ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٩
سجن صحافية سودانية في قضية زي «غير محتشم» ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٩
محكمة سودانية تدين صحافية لارتدائها بنطلونا.. وتخيرها بين الغرامة والسجن ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٩
8 September 2009: سجن صحفية سودانية رفضت الغرامة
7 September 2009: يوم في رمضان مع الصحافية السودانية التي شغلت الرأي العام
إيداع لبنى الحسين السجن لرفضها دفع "غرامة البنطال" 07 سبتمبر 2009
تغريم الصحفية لبنى أحمد حسين بدلا من جلدها 07 سبتمبر 2009
إلغاء حكم جلد "صحافية البنطال" السودانية.. وتغريمها 200 دولار سبتمبر 7 2009
دعونا نرى التغيير الحقيقي سبتمبر 4 2009
حملة مصرية للتضامن مع الصحفية لبنى 29 أغسطس 2009
لبني وميشيل اوباما والسيدة ربيكا ... بقلم: ثروت قاسم 23 أغسطس 2009
أرفعوا ايديكم الملطخة بالدماء عن لبنى حسين ... تظاهرة أمام السفارة السودانية في لندن 21 أغسطس 2009
Aug 12, 2009 لبنى تفتح ملف 13الف جنوبى تأثروا بالشريعة فى شمال السودان
حوار خاص مع الصحفية لبنى أحمد: لأربعاء 12 أغسطس 2009
مقابلة إذاعية مع لبنى احمد الحسين 14 يوليو ٢٠٠٩
سودانيات يتظاهرن ضد قانون النظام العام
تأجيل محاكمة الصحفية لبنى أحمد حسين
عشرات السودانيات تظاهرن مع لبنى حسين
محكمة سودانية تؤجل محاكمة "صحافية البنطال" للتأكد من حصانتها
مقابلة مع ناشطة حقوق المرأة، مهى زين العابدين
لبنى احمد حسين في أول جلسة لمحاكمتها
اتحاد الصحفيين العرب يناشد البشير بإلغاء محاكمة لبنى حسين
In English:
Sept. 9, 2009: Sudanese ‘indecent’ female journalist freed unexpectedly
Sept. 8, 2009: Sudan 'trousers woman' released
Sept. 8, 2009: Sudanese journalist jailed after refusing to pay fine for wearing trousers
Sept. 8, 2009: Sudan trousers journalist convicted of ‘indecent clothing’
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
SPLM Stand by Sudanese Women
كلام رجال ...
الأربعاء, 12 أغسطس 2009 09:01
Magdi Elgizouli
ينوي جهاز الدولة الانقضاض بحربة "عدلية" على السيد ياسر عرمان، النائب عن الحركة الشعبية ورئيس هيئتها البرلمانية والقيادي بقطاعها الشمالي، ذلك إثر حديث له عن بوليس النظام العام فيه اتهام له بابتزاز النساء اللواتي يقبض عليهن بتهمة مخالفة قانونه. تبدأ الإجراءات العدلية التي ينوي جهاز البوليس القيام بها، انتصارا لسمعته، بتقديم طلب برفع الحصانة البرلمانية عن السيد ياسر عرمان تمهيدا لبلاغ جنائي ضده بتهمة إشانة السمعة ومن ثم محاكمته، بمثل ما فعل جهاز البوليس ضد السيدة أمل هباني، صاحبة العمود المقروء بجريدة أجراس الحرية على خلفية انتقادات وجهتها لقوى النظام العام.
كل ذلك سيل متردد من المواجهة الممتدة بين بوليس النظام العام والسيدة لبنى أحمد حسين في ساحة القضاء إثر القاء البوليس القبض على الأخيرة نسبة لارتدائها بنطالا في مطعم بحي الرياض داهمته قوات ردعه واعتقلت من اعتقلت وعاقبت من عاقبت بالجلد عددا معلوما من السياط إلا السيدة لبنى التي استقوت على البوليس مهيب الجانب قوي العتاد و"فرجت" فيه العالمين، في تلفزيونات وصحف العالم، العربي منها والأفرنجي، حتى أن جريدة الديلي تلغراف وصفتها بأنها بأشهر وأشجع امرأة في السودان. بل وجد الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي في الحادثة سببا للتعليق وعبر عن تضامنه مع السيدة لبنى وعزمه الانتصار لها (أ ف ب، 07/08/09). للتدليل على معرفة العالم بالقضية كتبت اسم السيدة لبنى بالانجليزية بين شارتين في محرك البحث "غوغل" فارتد إلى بـ 265 ألف نتيجة، وكتبته بالعربية فجاء بـ
الواقع أن قضية لبنى حادثة حققت الإعلان عن نفسها في صراع طويل وصبور تخوضه نساء السودان، جهادا سريا وعلنيا، ضد تعسف مركب من السلطة الذكورية ورأس المال والسلطان السياسي، كان ذلك في سبيل الحياة في أوليتها، أو في سبيل المواطنة والمساواة. لكن رمزيتها الحقة في أنها ميزت ساعة انتقال بين عهد كان سلطان الدولة فيه مكتفيا بهيبته يردع بالإشارة ولا يحتاج لغير "نهرة" وعهد هو فيه مطالب ببينة وشريعة عادلة حتى في مجرد بنطلون كانت تجيد منعه سيدة لا سلاح لها ولا درع سوى كلمات غليظة وجبين مقطب في بوابة جامعة أو مكتب حكومي كل حملها من السلطة اسم "مرابطة"، لا "دبابير" ولا "نياشين" ولا صولجان. أما اليوم فجهاز البوليس، الآمر على المدنيين، حتى قيادته فريق أول وفريق ولواء بعربات مدججة بالجنود ومدرعات وأسلحة ومؤن وذخائر عاجز عن فرض سلطانه على سيدة صاحبة بنطلون إلا أن يطلب النصر من القضاء. والقضاء الناجز الذي يحكم في مثل هذه القضايا بعادة الهيبة دون أن تردد أو تلكؤ يتلجلج، أحصانة لديها ضد أمره أم لا. مهما كانت النتائج أفلح البوليس في جلد لبنى أم لا، أو في تجريم أمل، أو في محاكمة عرمان، فقد سقطت عنه هو الحصانة لا عنهم.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
د. حيدر إبراهيم على يكتب : جلد النساء بين القانون وفوبيا الفتنة
Aug 9, 2009
The International Campaign in Support of Sudanese Women
Representatives of GATS in the following states are reaching out to many rights groups and successfully managed to organize a growing international camapaign:
- France
- Sudan
- Egypt
- Canada
- Chile
- United States: MA, NJ, PA, MD, VA, D.C, TN, TX, KY, OH, IN, IL, IA, MN, CA
A special website has been created and will be launched next week however, you will be able to sign petition on the site by going to this link:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
State Violence Against Women in Sudan
تمثل اليوم أمام محكمة الخرطوم شمال الصحفية لبنى أحمد حسين الموظفة في الأمم المتحدة للنظر في الدعوى الموجهة ضدها من قبل شرطة
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
GATS to start the Truth Committees
Date: 6/26/2009
“I was receiving systematic daily torture. The continuous beatings with sticks and batons all over my body lasted for a long period of time and always resulted in losing consciousness. I was left on the floor without medical care most of the time. Now, all my hope rests in living until I see the Abu Ghraib Ghost House in North Khartoum and all other torture centers worldwide shut down”
Adeeb Yousif, Darfurian human rights activist
Philadelphia, PA- The Group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS) observes the United Nations’ International Day for Torture Survivors with cautious optimism. With a new administration in the White House, thats committed to stopping torture and shut the infamous Guantánamo Bay prison, the world definitely looks better.
However, the picture looks very different in Sudan. Over the past year, the Sudanese regime of President Omer al-Bashir became more ruthless in using torture against opposition forces. This became the formal policy since the President was indicted and recently issued an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court. After the rebel’s attack on the Capital City last year, the regime arrested hundreds of suspects and confessions were extracted by torture that sometimes appeared publicly on TV. So far, the regime’s courts sentenced 103 to death.
Torture has to be stopped by exposing those behind it. This is why GATS members are taking the initiative this year to begin the needed steps to deconstruct the establishment of torture. The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) included one important article on reconciliation and healing; sadly, the regime always ignored it. Al-Bashir has once briefly and dubiously commented about the need for national reconciliation and ‘letting go’. There is only one way to achieve this ‘letting go’ and this is through Transitional Justice, which was successfully tested in South Africa, Morocco, Peru, and Argentine. Thus, GATS responded to the call of President Bashir and requested to start the process of Transitional Justice by:
· Providing a public apology to the torture survivors
· Establishing the Truth Committees
· Starting steps to address compensation for the survivors and the families of the dead.
Two years have passed and the Sudanese regime has not taken any step in this direction. Unfortunately, even more torture centers were opened all over the country.
Since the regime has failed to take the initiative, GATS has begun the process of Transitional Justice by forming the Truth Committees within the Sudanese Diaspora. We hope that Philadelphia will follow Iowa City in welcoming this process and hosting the first Truth Committee.
A public apology is needed from all those who supported the torture regime in any way. Let the survivors tell the truth about the existence of Ghost Houses like Abu Ghraib and others in Sudan.
"كان التعذيب الذي أتعرض له يتم بشكل يومي منظم ضرباً بالعصى على كل أجزاء جسدي حتى أخُرُّ مغماً عليَّ. كنت اُترك على الارض مغشياً عليّ دون رعاية طبية في معظم الاحيان...كل أملي الآن ان اعيش وأرى بيوت الاشباح في السودان والعالم وقد تمَّ إغلاقها نهائياً."
أديب يوسف
ناشط حقوقي من دار فور وأحد معتقلي "بيت أشباح " ابوغريب بالخرطوم بحري.
بتفاؤلٍ مشوبٍ بالحذر تحتفل المجموعة السودانية المناهضة للتعذيب هذا العام باليوم العالمي للناجين من التعذيب. التفاؤل ناتج من إنتخاب إدارة أمريكية جديدة في "البيت الأبيض" ملتزمة بمناهضة التعذيب وإغلاق معتقل جوانتانامو سيئ الصيت، مما جعل العالم في وضع أحسن نسبياً.
ولكن هذه الصورة المتفائلة تختلف تماماًبالنسبة للسودان. إدارة الرئيس البشير إستمرت في سياسة العنف بشكل واسع ضد كل معارضيها وأصبح التعذيب يمارس تجاه كل المعتقلين السياسيين المؤيدين لقرار محكمة العدل الدولية بإدانة وإعتقال الرئيس البشير . وبعد هجوم المتمردين على العاصمة فى العام الماضي تمَّ إعتقال المئات من مواطني دار فور بشبهة الاشتراك أو التعاطف وأُنتزعت الإعترافات تحت التعذيب، وتمَّ الحكم بالاعدام شنقاً حتى الموت على 103 معتقل حتى الآن.
يجب ان نوقف هذه الجريمة فوراً. لهذا السبب تبادر المجموعة السودانية لمناهضة للتعذيب في بدء الخطوات الاولى لتفكيك مؤسسة التعذيب، وذلك بالشروع في تنفيذ أحد البنود الهامة لإتفاقية السلام الشامل لعام 2005م والتي تنص على الشروع الفوري في إجراء مصالحة وطنية ...حين اطلق الرئيس البشير نداءه المقتضب قبل عامين داعياً للمصالحةالوطنية إستجابت المجموعة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب وطلبت تمهيد المناخ لذلك وفق إطار العدالة الانتقالية المجرب بنجاح في جنوب أفريقيا، المغرب، بيرو، الارجنتين، وذلك بأن يتقدم الرئيس بإعتذارٍ علني لضحايا التعذيب وأسرهم، والشروع في تكوين لجان الحقيقة ولجان جبر الضرر. ولكن مرَّ أكثر من عامين دون اية إستجابة من النظام لمقترحنا بل اكثر من ذلك شرع النظام في فتح العديد من مراكز التعذيب الجديدة مثل مركز ابو غريب المشار إليه اعلاه.
إن اول مهام هذه اللجنة هي أن تستمع لإعتذارٍ علني من قِبل كلٍ منْ قام بالدعم المعنوي للنظام السوداني في إنكاره وجود بيوت الاشباح في السودان. إن من حق أديب يوسف ورفاقه على كل منْ أنكر حدوث التعذيب من قِبل النظام ان يتقدم بشجاعة أمام اللجنة ويعتذر لهم علناً.
The Group Against Torture in Sudan is an advocacy human rights membership group of Sudanese-American torture survivors and their allies. GATS works to educate the public about the predicament of torture worldwide and especially in Sudan, and forms allies with similar interest groups
# # #
Sunday, May 24, 2009
GATS to initiate first step in Transitional Justice
Friday, April 24, 2009
Torture Memos released
The Obama administration has released four memos from the Bush-era Justice Department that approved and provided the legal basis for the CIA’s use of torture. While President Obama has said he will not pursue prosecutions of CIA employees, he did not explicitly address the question of prosecuting the former Justice Department lawyers who authored the memos. The memos’ release comes as a Spanish court is considering bringing indictments against six Bush-era lawyers.
Read more on the link above
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A torture survivor's response to the ICC
Local Man Reacts to Charges Against Sudanese President
March 4, 2009 06:08 PM EST
By Marci Izard
AMHERST, Mass. (Abc40)-- On Wednesday, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The news has comes as a relief to Amherst resident Mohamed Elgadi.
Elgadi arrested in Khartoum, Sudan in 1992 for his human rights work. Government officials held -and tortured him- for four months.
"It's a long time but it's still painful. They did everything from electric shocks...beating ... everything, including rape," he says.
Elgadi was finally released under the condition that he work as a Government informant. He consented - then fled.
He and his family have lived in the United States for over fifteen years but they still are active in the fight for justice in Sudan. He says the atrocities in Darfur have put an international spotlight on the violence, which he says, is going on across the country.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
ICC: Arrest Warrant for Al-Bashir
Today, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, President of Sudan, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. He is suspected of being criminally responsible, as an indirect (co-)perpetrator, for intentionally directing attacks against an important part of the civilian population of Darfur, Sudan, murdering, exterminating, raping, torturing and forcibly transferring large numbers of civilians, and pillaging their property. This is the first warrant of arrest ever issued for a sitting Head of State by the ICC.
Omar Al Bashir’s official capacity as a sitting Head of State does not exclude his criminal responsibility, nor does it grant him immunity against prosecution before the ICC, according to Pre-Trial Chamber I.
According to the Judges, the above-mentioned crimes were allegedly committed during a five year counter-insurgency campaign by the Government of Sudan against the Sudanese Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A), the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and other armed groups opposing the Government of Sudan in Darfur. It is alleged that this campaign started soon after the April 2003 attack on El Fasher airport as a result of a common plan agreed upon at the highest level of the Government of Sudan by Omar Al Bashir and other high-ranking Sudanese political and military leaders. It lasted at least until 14 July 2008, the date of the filing of the Prosecution’s Application for the warrant of arrest for Omar Al Bashir.
A core component of that campaign was the unlawful attack on that part of the civilian population of Darfur – belonging largely to the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa groups – perceived to be close to the organised armed groups opposing the Government of Sudan in Darfur. The said civilian population was to be unlawfully attacked by Government of Sudan forces, including the Sudanese Armed Forces and their allied Janjaweed Militia, the Sudanese Police Force, the National Intelligence and Security Service and the Humanitarian Aid Commission.
The Chamber found that Omar al Bashir, as the de jure and de facto President of Sudan and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, is suspected of having coordinated the design and implementation of the counter-insurgency campaign. In the alternative, it also found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that he was in control of all branches of the “apparatus” of the State of Sudan and used such control to secure the implementation of the counter-insurgency campaign.
The counts
The warrant of arrest for Omar Al Bashir lists 7 counts on the basis of his individual criminal responsibility (article 25(3)(a)) including:
Cooperation of States
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
GATS sent a letter to President Obama
المجموعة السودانية لضحايا التعذيب يناير ٢٠٠٩
Date: Jan 30th, 2009
Dear President Obama,
We write to you today as part of the torture survivors’ community in the US to express our appreciation for your commitment to the standard human rights obligations. More than 400,000 torture victims are founding refuge and safe haven in the United States because of the cherished ideals and principles guaranteed by the Constitution.
Mr. President, we thank you for keeping your election campaign promises when you took action in your first day in office and decided to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Your Executive Order to ban the use of torture and inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees speaks directly to the suffering our members had to go through in the prisons of the current Sudanese regime. Waterboarding, stress positions, and hypothermia were actually on our daily torture menu with different names.
As Sudanese-Americans we are also looking forward to the changes you promised to bring about in the foreign policy toward the genocidal regime in Sudan. We call on you, Mr. President, to demonstrate your election campaign commitment to Sudan by:
* Supporting the International Criminal Court (ICC) to bring Darfur perpetrators to justice. The road to a sustainable peace in Darfur is only possible by bringing justice to the families of hundreds of thousands of victims, and millions who lost their homes and properties. We urge your administration to provide evidences to the ICC on the involvement of Albashir’s regime in planning Darfur genocide.
* Supporting the end of state-sponsored crime of torture in Sudan as part of your commitment to fight terrorism. Hundreds of Ghost Houses, i.e. torture centers, were created and put under the judiciary of the Sudanese General Security Apparatus since 1989. A large number of these Ghost Houses’ survivors currently live in the US and looking forward to this step.
* Instructing the State Department officials to stop meeting with accused torturers who personally involved in torturing some of the survivors currently live in the US. Those are specifically Major General Salah Ghosh, Head of the Intelligence; and Dr. Nafi’ Ali Nafi’, First Assistant to President Albashir and whose assigned the dossier of Darfur, and the deputy leader of the ruling National Congress Party in Sudan.
Mr. President, we understand and support the foreign policy of ‘engagement’ you promoted during the election campaign however, this is a different case. Those two persons were directly involved literally in torturing people who live here in the United States. Ethically, we should not sit with someone who literally has our blood on his hands.
Mohamed I. Elgadi
For/Group Against Torture in Sudan
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One Thug is almost Down...!
PR- for immediate release
Contact person: Mohamed Elgadi
Tel. 1+215-870-7809
Amherst, MA- Feb 17th, 2009- Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) are reviewing the indictment of the President of the Sudan Lt. General Omer Al-Bashir for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes; and may decide to issue an arrest warrant for President Al-Bashir. The Group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS) is watching with utmost concerns the threats and calls of violence from the regime of President Omer Al-Bashir against the ICC and the UN personnel if an arrest warrant is issued. These threats have been shown in many signals from the regime’s media and affiliated political groups with the ruling National Congress Party in Sudan.
It’s an irresponsible statement from the Government of the Sudan to claim that more violence and instability would be generated had the ICC issued an arrest warrant against Al-Bashir. This was reiterated by the ambassador of the Sudan in Washington, D.C. Mr. Akec Achiew Khoc on February 6, 2009 at a conference on Darfur organized by the School of Law at Yale University, in New haven, Connecticut.
GATS demands that the Government of the Sudan should take all the measures necessary to guarantee non-violence against civilians in Khartoum and all other parts of Sudan in response to an ICC arrest warrant for President Al Bashir’s.
GATS calls the Government of the Sudan and the UN to prevent the repetition of the “Black Monday” of August 1, 2005 violence in Khartoum, and the violence against innocent Darfuris in Khartoum after May 10th, 2008 following the insurgency by one of the rebel groups in Khartoum.
GATS urges all political parties, NGOs and civil society organizations (SPLM, NCP, Umma, DUP, SCP, etc.) in the Sudan to be practical and exercise prudence in dealing with the ICC’s legal decision. Action should be addressed in the context of the law and not through the threat of bloodshed, vacuous jingoism, and disrespect to the international community.
GATS urges the Government of the Sudan to recognize the legitimacy of the ICC and the obligation of Sudan as a member of the UN to cooperate with the ICC in all its investigations.
GATS petitions the SPLM, since it is a part of the government, to protect the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and to persuade the National Congress Party to cooperate with the ICC in order to avoid confrontations with the international community.
The crisis in Darfur is a natural consequence of the regime’s policy: the Government of the Sudan should be prepared to defend its policy at the international court and the President should be prepared to defend himself against any criminal indictment through legal means recognizing that he is only a suspect and considered innocent until proven guilty.
GATS realizes that peace and justice are inseparable and that any step towards justice is a step towards a lasting genuinely negotiated peace in the Sudan.
The call for accountability does not exclude any perpetrators in Darfur, Gaza, Iraq, or any other place on earth. Our position is to support the investigations by the ICC of violence against civilians in all corners of the world.
The International Community represented by the UN should seriously address the regime’s threats against UNAMID, UN, international NGO workers and all civilians in the Sudan. A warning to Al-Bashir should be issued that any instigated violence will not be tolerated.
A decision by the ICC to arrest the Sudanese president will be considered a landmark and a major step towards combating impunity for horrific crimes in Darfur and other regions in the Sudan. Such a decision will be particularly significant to our group that has been diligently working over the years to bring those who planned and conducted systematic torture against dissidents to justice.
The Group Against Torture in Sudan-GATS, is an advocacy human rights group based in the United States. GATS works to raise awareness about torture worldwide and especially in Sudan. While GATS is advocating strongly for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sudan in order to stop the vicious cycle of violence, it’s also working relentlessly to bring perpetrators to justice. Amnesty and forgiveness of perpetrators of their crimes should be given only by the torture survivors.
ARABIC version
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
حول تصريحات سكرتير الحزب الشيوعي برفض محاكمة البشير
برنسيس ان ( ميريلاند )- الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
تتابع المجموعة السودانية لضحايا التعذيب بترقب وقلق شديدين تصاعد بعض الاصوات المناهضة لتيار حقوق الانسان المرحب بتقديم الرئيس البشير للمحكمة الدولية في تهم تتعلق بجرائم نظامه في دارفور وبقية انحاء السودان.
في هذا الاتجاه تدين المجموعة بشدة التصريحات المنسوبة للسكرتير العام للحزب الشيوعي السوداني فيما يتعلق بقرار المحكمة الدولية في حق الرئيس البشير.
تري المجموعة أن تصريحاً مثل هذا يمثل تخلي عن واحد من اهم المطالب لضحايا التعذيب بالسودان، والذي ظلت المجموعة تعمل بصبر دؤوب على انجازه طوال العشرين عام الماضية.
" لم استطع فهم منطق السيد نقد في تصريحه هذا ! ، و لنا ان نقول: اذا كان القضاء السوداني عاجزا حاليا عن محاكمة البشير فلم يرفض السيد نقد ان تتم المحاكمة من قِبل القضاء الدولي القادر علي ذلك ؟".
(صرح بذلك دكتور / محمد القاضي عضو المجموعة و احد ضحايا بيوت اشباح الرئيس البشير ).
وفي ذات السياق تؤكد المجموعة ان تصريحات الدكتور / حسن الترابي ومناشدته للرئيس البشير بتسليم نفسه للمحكمة لن تعفيه هو شخصياً من مسئوليته التاريخية في تلك الجرائم التي دبرها و ساهم بالاشراف عليها .
عليه تجدد المجموعة موقفها الداعم للمطالبة بمحاكمة الرئيس / البشير وكل من تلطخت يده بدماء شرفاء الشعب السوداني .
الجدير بالذكر ان الجرائم التي تتعلق بقضايا الحط من كرامة الانسان وتقييد الحريات، لا تسقط بتقادم الزمن اوبتقديم تنازلات من قبل اجهزة القمع التي إرتكبت تلك الفظائع بحق الانسان، كما و انها لا تُعالج بإبداء مظاهر الاستعلاء أو باستنفار الحس القومي للشعوب، و لا بدعوات الغفران والتسامح التي لا تحترم العقول. لن ينس ضحايا التعذيب الجرائم التي ارتكبت بحقهم و لن يتنازلوا عن مبدأ محاسبة من شارك في تعذيبهم وهذا حق تكفله كل مواثيق حقوق الانسان .
وها هي شهادات الضحايا تاتي فاقعة البيان والوضوح/
" انا الطبيب السوداني علي فضل احمد الان اموت بسبب درب اخترته بوضوح وقناعة , وانني واثق بان آخرين سيواصلون السير علي هذ ا الدرب ".
و هكذا ستتوالي الشهادات والافادات التي سطرها و يسطرها ابناء الشعب من ضحايا التعذيب و من كافة قطاعاته، وستطول قائمة المجرمين، و في الوقت نفسه ستظل المجموعة المناهضة للتعذيب في السودان ترصد كل حالات التعذيب والانتهاكات التي يتعرض لها ابناء الشعب السوداني. و ستواصل حملاتها لاجل تحقيق العدالة و انجاز مبدأ المحاسبة.
من اجل وطــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــن سالم وآمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــن
من اجل ترسيخ مبادئ حقوق الانســــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــان
ناجي ميرغني محمد صالح
سكرتير المجموعة المناهضة للتعذيب في السودان