Monday, March 07, 2005

Welcome to GATS

GATS, the Group Against Torture in Sudan, is an advocacy human rights membership group of Sudanese American torture survivors and their allies. GATS works to educate the public about the dilemmas of torture worldwide and especially in Sudan, and forms allies with similar interest groups.

GATS was originally founded in 1994 as an independent affiliate chapter of the Sudanese Victims of Torture Group (, and was named SVTG-US Chapter. In 1997, the Third General Annual Meeting decided to become completely independent and adopted its current name, the Group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS). This was primarily to have its membership inclusive to all anti-torture activists, and not only the survivors.

While GATS strongly advocates for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)concept in Sudan to stop the vicious circle of violence yet, it also relentlessly works to bring perpetrators to justice. Forgiveness of perpetrators of their crimes is a right only should be held by the torture survivors.

This Blogger is currently under construction. For more info on this group, please visit this page:

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