

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Many Successes and some Challenges...

A month after the UN Day of Torture Survivors and their Families, there are many challenges facing us, the survivors, and work to do to expose the crime of torture. However, there few good news as reported by Center for Justice and Accountability.

We are also expecting a ruling very soon about the senior officers of the former Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia that their trial are going on

Trial Date Set for Case against Pinochet Officer for Torture and Death of Legendary Chilean Folksinger Víctor Jara

06/02/2014: CJA and pro bono counsel Chadbourne & Parke LLP, filed suit in September 2013 on behalf of the surviving family members of folksinger Víctor Jara against former Pinochet Officer Pedro Pablo Barrientos Nuñez. The complaint alleges that Barrientos personally tortured and executed Mr. Jara during the mass detention in the Chile Stadium. Read more here. The trial will begin in February 2015.

CJA's Statement on India's Fifteenth Prime Minister Narendra Modi

05/27/2014: On May 26, 2014, Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was sworn in as India’s fifteenth Prime Minister. Modi’s appointment as Prime Minister is not troubling solely because of his actions—or inaction—during the 2002 Gujarat riots. Instead, his appointment signals a broader problem that those linked to mass atrocities evade accountability at the highest ranks of Indian government. Read CJA's statement on Modi's appointment here.

Ex-Salvadoran General May be Deported for Human Rights Violations

04/21/2014: An immigration judge issued a final order of removal for former Salvadoran Minster of Defense Garcia because of his involvement in a number of human rights violations, including the assassination of Archbishop Romero, the murder of four American churchwomen, the El Mozote massacre, and the torture of CJA client Juan Romagoza. The decision and a portion of the administrative record recently became public due to a FOIA request by The New York Times.Click here for the press release, here to read a summary of the decision, here to read the NYT article, and here to view the portion of the administrative record currently available.

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