

Thursday, June 26, 2014

On the Eve of Torture Survivors Day

Torture continued to prevail around the globe not only by some rogue governments but also by some militia groups that claim to fight for justice in their own teritories.

Boko Haram is one example of an absurd group that claimed to fight for justice in Nigeria. Abducting innocent people including young middle school girls and torturing and bombing their teachers in the name of 'islamic' agenda was the way they introduced themselves to the world.

ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is another terrorist group that specialized in torturing people in the name of implementing Islamic Sharia Laws. Chopping heads, hands, and foot, and flogging people was another absurd way of introducing their image of Islamic State in Syria and other areas they controlled in Iraq.

In Libya, the armed groups continued to terrorize civilians in every single region especially those who call for democratic society. On the eve of the United Nations' Day for Torture Survivors they brutally killed one of the prominent human rights activists, Ms. Salwa Bughaighis, that she called for banning armed militias in Libya.

In Sudan, the country that has been ruled under another Islamic military group since 1989, the mass human rights violations continued to prevail. Bombing civilians in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile region brought a lot of concern around the world especially that many kids who escaped to the mountains continued to live in caves to get protection from air raids.

Refugees who took refuge in Sudan suffered in particular a new wave of torture conducted by government-affliated thugs to get ransom for their release. A disturbing video (see below) was part of report issued by Human Rights Watch on the plight of Eritrean refugees in Sudan and Egypt.

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