

Saturday, December 01, 2012

GATS to Sponsor Human Rights Day Forum

A perfect timing to address many challenges for human rights in countries ruled under Islamic Shari'a Laws..

Human  Rights  Day  Forum

The  64th  Anniversary  of  the  Universal  Declaration
of  Human  Rights  by  the  United  Nations ~ December  10,  1948 
Human Rights Challenges
in the Muslim World:
The Case of Iran
Speaker, Gissou Nia
Human Rights Activist and Director
of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

Sunday,  December  9th  at  1:30  pm
Jones Library, Woodbury Room, Amherst MA
Songs by The Raging Grannies
This forum will focus on the work of the brave women and men
in the Islamic World who have stood up for their rights – particularly the rights
of women and ethnic minorities – and for religious freedom and free speech.
Free  and  the  Public  is  Invited

Organized  by  Amnesty  Amherst--Group  128 / 215-870-7809
Co-sponsors:  Amnesty International Amherst Chapter-Group 128 //
Amnesty Intl. Chapter, Amherst Regional High School // Amnesty Intl. Chapter, Hampshire College //
Amherst Human Rights Commission // Amherst Progressive Muslims //
Baha'i Community of Hadley // Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Grace Church, Amherst //
Group Against Torture in Sudan // Mount Toby Meeting of Friends at Leverett //  
Unitarian-Universalist Society of Amherst, Social Justice Committee // Western Mass Darfur Coalition //

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