

Friday, June 23, 2006

Using Mosques for Torture in Nyala!

"when I arrived there I found many other people already inside the mosque with me... among them there was Sharif Hussein Sharif, the TV Gezira reporter, and Hassan, a teacher I know from Umm Tekkaina village".

The only difference between those detained inside the mosque and those in other cells was the degree of blessings and rewards for the daily prayers! Those detained in regular cells envied us since we had the privileges of praying in a mosque even though we get tortured in that same place!

These were some of the thoughts crossed the mind of Ishaq Hamaza Alshayib when was brought to the HQ of the General Security in Nyala, Southern Darfur few weeks ago...
All cells were occupied with Darfurian activists who were peacefully protesting the injustice against their people and community... to his surprise he found that the mosque was also used as a detention and torture place just like other places of that disgusting location in Nyala close by Alde'in road.

"When our arrested group arrived at the HQ, we found 7 of our student colleagues already there and more than a dozen of security thugs in the middle of their 'party' reception. They were beating them up using sticks, canes, electric wires, polythene pipes, etc".

Ishaq wrote a report documenting his torture experience that continued for more than 3 weeks, and I received the report verbally by phone from a woman activist in Nyala
"I want to let the world know that torture is happening as a daily practice inside the HQ of the Security in Nyala...they may closed down the Ghost Houses in Khartoum, but they open many here in Darfur...

Methods of Torture:
Sit Alaraqi
Arnab Nutt
Tisa'a Ista'id
kicks by military boots targeting testicles.
Alberish: a beating to target the kidneys area
Albatth: flogging on the back and legs
Alfalaqa: an ancient Egyptian method of torture
Telefonco: a Latin American method of torture by continuous slapping on the ears
Threat of sexual penetration using metal/glass object

Ishaq reported that he noticed many of the Government's Party members were part of the torture 'event' and they were actually leading torture in some occasions.
"you have to confess and tell us the structure of the democratic Front on Campus otherwise we will sodomize you using this glass bottle and let everyone on campus that we 'fucked' you"... Ishaq wrote this sentence on a piece of paper and sent it to a group of human rights monitors in Khartoum.

On the UN Torture Survivors Week, let's all work harder to bring these scumbags to trial and hold those responsible of the recent torture crimes of Ishaq Alshaib; Omer Taj; and Mohamed Adam.

Please write to Ms. Priscilla Joseph Kuch, Chiar of the Human Rights Committee in the National Assembly:
She is a strong voice for human rights within SPLM in Khartoum

We succeeded before in closing down the notorious Citibank Ghost House in Khartoum, let's close the new Citibank in Nyala

mohamed elgadi

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