

Monday, April 17, 2006

From our partner AFSC org website

المجموعة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب

GATS is a human rights committee that has been active long before the inception of Project VOICE. Project VOICE supports GATS by hosting their website and by assisting them with:
Educating people about the ongoing civil war and government organized torture in Sudan
Promoting truth and reconciliation among warring communities in Sudan
Connecting torture survivors to centers of treatment and rehabilitation
Torture Archives
Online links which are important to our work relating to the documentation of state sponsored torture in Sudan
1. An Arabic language newspaper which features relevant news about Sudan
2. An important introductory article on how to document abuses of torture
“Documenting Allegations" in: Camille Giffard, Torture Reporting Handbook (Essex: Essex University, 2000), pp. 27-54.

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