

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Press Release from المجموعة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب

The Group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS)
4521 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (USA)
Contact person: Siddiq. A. Hadi Tel. 215-387-8911 Fax: 215-387-8922

For Immediate Release
July 7th, 2005

Philadelphia- The group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS) is condemning in the strongest language these coward series of blasts in London this morning. It’s a barbaric act of terror that represents a pathetic mentality of whatever the name of the org behind it (unconfirmed news put the responsibility on Al-Qaida). We should continue to expose this fanatic mentality and isolate it from our community.

It’s the responsibility of the whole community, especially faith-based groups to confront those who use religion to spread terror and fear. It’s important to mention here that what happened in London this morning has been going on in Iraq every day, which resulted in a death toll of more than 1200 in the last six weeks. The international community needs to stop these massacres against civilians everywhere, and bring the killers to justice.

We would like to acknowledge the responsible way the British authorities represented by the head of the Police dealt with the terror attacks. The Chief of the Police emphasized that the attack has nothing to do with Islam or Muslim people, and that it’s an act of terrorist group. It makes lot of sense not to scapegoat or discriminate against the Muslim or immigrant communities like what had happened here in the US after the 9/11 attack in 2001.
As part of the torture survivors community, we express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and our deepest sympathies to the injured and wounded.

The Group Against Torture in Sudan (GATS), is a human rights advocacy group of Sudanese American activists in Philadelphia. It advocates for educating people about the ongoing civil war and government organized torture in Sudan; promoting Truth and Reconciliation among warring communities in Sudan; and connecting torture survivors to centers of treatment and rehabilitation.

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